Junior & Youth Membership

The Junior program is provided to encourage young players to learn and enjoy golf in a safe and friendly environment. Juniors are the future of the club and every opportunity is taken to make membership for both girls and boys attractive and financially reasonable.


Weekly MyGolf Classes
Royal Perth Golf Club has a separate weekly Girls, Boys and Mixed Classes that are held during school terms on Wednesday afternoons for girls and Thursday afternoon for boys, and mixed lessons on Saturday Mornings. The sessions are designed to provide an opportunity to play in a less intimidating environment and is open to both Members and non-Members. Registration is on a term-by-term basis with sessions held either on the practice range or at the short game practice facility.

Current charges are $165 per term – to register visit the MyGolf website here.

Please note that due to Liquor Licensing regulations, non-Members and their parents/guardians are not permitted to use the Clubhouse facilities unless they have been invited and signed in by a Member with those privileges.

Junior and Membership Applications
A person applying for Junior membership of the club must be under the age of 18 (Constitution Clause 7.2).

If the applicant already has a Golflink handicap and has sufficient age and competition experience they may be recommended for election as a Tier 1 Junior member, with full playing rights.

Tier 3 Junior Members are only permitted on the course after 3.30pm each day (subject to availability) and in the Sunday morning Junior Competition. Tier 3 Junior Members must be accompanied by an adult member whilst on course.

Parents and/or guardians are expected to supervise Junior Members aged 12 & under whilst using the facility both on and off the golf course.

There is currently no nomination fee to become a Junior Member.

Tier 1 Transitional
In the year that a Junior Member turns 18, they will be admitted to the Tier 1 Transitional Membership category until the year they turn 30. Tier 1 Transitional membership provides the same playing rights as Junior and Tier 1 Members with annual subscriptions based on age throughout this period.

Minimum house spend and any redevelopment levies are not applied until the year the Member turns 25.

This is a great category for late starters to golf and joining before the age of 18 provides many more benefits to the individual. For more information about Junior Membership, please email the membership team.